creativity journal

this will essentially be a log of my creative process (so long as i actually remember to update it). it will have a list of current active projects, as well as some current but inactive ones, and a list of future projects i'm partically excited about or motivated for. it will also have personal thoughts regarding my creative process and my feelings about it that i feel like aren't really suited to go straight on my tumblr blog, but aren't necesarily private matters, and that i think might be worth sharing.

  • currently working on a reference of cain (wildermyth au), as well as a full-body piece of shale, and a silly little meme drawing of celeste in the works
  • currently working on several drawings of letty (pokemon scarlet/violet au trainer), such as a ref/bio, a comic, and some drawings of them in different stages in their life
  • currently working on an illustration of eight (splatoon au agent 8), as well as an outfit meme
  • working on letty fic, intend on continuing reach for the stars. i want to start a character study of yagami post-terasawa incident pre-judge eyes, as well as contuing my post-game fic. i have the sims orphange au fic (I KNOW!!! im going to make a page explaining all these aus eventually but you'll have to forgo the context for now) to work on, too.
  • embroidering patches to repair clothes, hoping to make patches for a future battle jacket/vest!
  • have an idea in mind for a misumi piece that looks like an introduction in a yakuza game, as well as a pre-boss fight fake frame.
  • i want to try doll customizing.... soooo bad........

currently don't have much to share in terms of thoughts.... i've had a lot of energy to create recently but its been a little too painful to sit at my laptop for very long so i cant get a whole lot done. it's sort of been killing my motivation to finish anything i start. i've sort of been dying to start some entirely new project with a medium i have no expieience in. making this website has sort of been satisfying that urge, but i wish i had the resources to do things with my hands. im too broke though.

CC0 Public Domain, 2022. template by sadgrl